Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Coconut Lemon-butter Sea Scallops

I love this one-pot meal.  It is simple and quick for those night when you are scratching your head when they ask "What's for dinner?'  The best part is it still a delicate and delicious flavor that feels like a special occasion.

What you will need:

1 stainless steel pan
Sea Scallops (I used frozen Raw Sea Scallops)
4 Tbsp Coconut Oil (I get mine at Mountain Rose Herbs www.mountainroseherbs.com
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup lemon juice
1 tsp Thyme
1 tsp Rosemary
Sea Salt and Pepper to taste
I used stir fry noodles here, but I have also used organic semolina pasta before.

In the pan on Medium heat melt the 4 Tbsp of Coconut oil, add water and lemon juice.  Once they are incorporation place as many scallops are desired inside the sauce to cook.  I had to wait for my scallops to thaw a little and I started by sprinkling thyme over them lightly.

At this point I filled the pan up with Spinach to cook down.  You want the scallops to brown, so while they are simmering you can boil your pasta with a teeny bit of oil.  I used coconut oil.  This way it doesn't get sticky.  When you are done strain it and set it aside.

The spinach will create excess water in the pan as it simmers down.  I dumped a little out because the water evaporates but not at a rate that will help the oil brown your scallops.  Once your scallops have browned nicely, pour this mixture over your noodles and stir.  I sprinkled the finished product with some rosemary.  I liked the light herb mixture with the lemon and it didn't overpower the flavor of the oil and scallops, which both have a little sweetness to them.

Bon Apetit!

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