Wednesday, May 23, 2012

First Recipe; Indulgent Protein Bars

Indulgent Protein Bars
 (no bake, super easy)
We'll start off with my new version of these delicious protein bars.  They have been adapted from a recipe that I like from (Great website)

Ingredients you will need:

Don't let the long list scare you away, I measure them out and dump the bulk of them in the food processor with the dough blade.  Set aside the melted coconut oil and the vanilla extract.

2 cups of Almonds
1/4 cup flax seed
1/2 cup dried pineapple (I used Trader Joe's brand here)
1/4 cup shredded unsweetened coconut flakes
1/4 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup Nutella
1/2 tsp sea salt
1 cup chocolate chips

1/2 cup melted coconut oil (I order mine at Mountain Rose Herbs)
2-3 tspns vanilla extract

This is what my dehydrated soaked almonds looked like.
 The almonds were placed in the food processor first and I used to dough blade to chop.  It made a course mixture before I added more ingredients.
Dry ingredients before adding peanut butter, Nutella, coconut oil, and vanilla extract 

Forgot to mention I used Adam's Crunchy style peanut butter.

Right before pouring in coconut oil and vanilla extract mixture.  Blend this mix of ingredients a few times to make sure the oil incorporates.  Place the 1/2 cup coconut oil in the microwave for 20-30 seconds until melted.  When you take it out add the vanilla extract and stir. Then while you pulse the food processor pour in a little of the coconut oil at a time until it has an even consistency.  Pour the results into a glass Pyrex 8x12 or any size you have. (It will only change the thickness of your bars)  Place them in the refrigerator for four hours.

1 comment:

  1. I love for this reason.......
    Healthier Nutella :
