Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dinner in a hurry......

In my house there are no real food labels.  We are not gluten, or dairy free, we are not on the paleo plan, and we are not really vegetarians.  We eat healthy, wholesome food, and are learning and progressing with the rest of the population.  We get new information that is available all of the time.  We have researched Genotype eating, paleo, practice wholesome whole food eating, and ferment.  Cross-Cultured (no pun intended) I say.

Tonight I was in a hurry, I had a baby in one arm and a toddler at my feet and it was dinner time!
I had to think fast.  I googled traditional Mac and Cheese to please the toddler and ran with it.  I put about a 1/4 cup of coconut oil in the pan to melt on medium heat and start my sauce, and went to the pantry to find a thickening agent.  Because we are not perfect and transitioning our grains we still had all-purpose flour.  "Use it up!" I thought.  It is not very frugal minded to waste because you are moving on.  I whisked in 1/3 cup of flour into my coconut oil to thicken for the base of my cheese sauce.  I haven't experimented with coconut milk sauces yet, so I stuck with the whole(pasteurized not ultra-pasteurized) organic milk that we use for yogurt and my husband's occasional glass with dessert.  Three cups of milk whisked in slowly. I then grated one clove of garlic in the warm milk. OK here's where I added two cups of cubed very sharp cheddar Tillamook cheese.  When it melted, salt and pepper, chili powder, done.  I poured it over a pot of cooked organic penne with some frozen organic peas.  Didn't have breadcrumbs so I crushed some stale garlic croutons.  Being frugal here.  Voila!  Then slice some garden beets, Farmer's Market strawberries and plate it all.  Everyone happy!  :)

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